blame it on la

The Amazing Tales of a Black Man Who Escaped the City of Angels...West Coast Homecoming Edition.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Reach up For the Sunrise

Ok, whoa! Let's start by saying that I'm not afraid of a little warm weather. I'd also like to state that even though I don't use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, I do live a "mentally" green lifestyle, I've thought about recycling and I even stayed home and watched the "Live Earth" concerts all the way through. Point is I like to think I've done my part to combat global warming. Which is why I was so caught off guard by the Mercury-esque temperatures that have been baking Los Angeles all this week, broiling both small animals and senior citizens alike.

I thought that my African heritage, coupled with my generous endowment of melanin would have helped prepare me to endure what others might call "extreme" temperatures. But triple digits?! That's taking it to a whole new level which by the way is bordering on unnecessary. Seriously, it's enough to make me wish I hadn't hosted all of those Styrofoam bonfires back in the eighties.

Before I came to the West Coast, I had some preconceived ideas of what the weather here was like. I was led to believe that the temperature in LA, this city with no personality, no natural water source, and most conspicuously, no seasons, was always a balmy 77 degrees. What I wasn't told is that there would be weeks I would be trapped in my apartment because going outside would nullify my medical insurance for ignoring the heat advisory. Turns out they don't tell you everything in those travel brochures!

Warm weather is nice, fire and brimstone, not so much. Heat doesn't bother me, but feeling like Hell just opened up a theme park does. It's times like these that it occurs to me that global warming is a real thing. Even worse, it makes me wish I'd gone a little easier on the "Brut" in the eigth grade. What have I done?


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