blame it on la

The Amazing Tales of a Black Man Who Escaped the City of Angels...West Coast Homecoming Edition.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes We Can! Do Late Night!

Wow! It's about time. What a great day! Our president is going to be the first incumbent president to appear on a late night talk show. Awesome. Not just awesome, but super awesome. Don't get me wrong. I don't think it's awesome because I care what he has to say. I'm pretty sure he'll talk about the economy and how we'll have to make tough decisions in order to come out the other end of this national/worldwide crisis. Jay might even squeeze in a joke or two about basketball. I don't really expect him to say much. In fact I hate to admit that I'll even be home to watch since it's on a Thursday night. Nope, the reason I'm excited is because it seems like ole Barry has finally figured out that people who don't work in the daytime are sick and tired of him constantly busting in on "The View" with his press conferences. Yeah, way to make me miss "Hot Topics" dude? I need my daily dose of Sherri Shepard cluelessness and Hasselbeck psychosis to get me through the day. I just can't get that when the President busts into my programming once a week at 11am sharp.

I can't be the only person who's excited about this. People seem to think that Big Barry hitting Leno is some hip way for him to meet the people and open himself up to some of the best softball questions this side of the RNC. I submit to you that the reason Mr. B is finally taking his message to late night, is because the networks are tired of giving him free airtime and losing money every time he feels the need to update us on this 'broke down' economy. With Barry O hitting up Jay Leno, everybody wins. People forget that Jay Leno isn't all that funny and Mr. B gets to get his message across while looking cool and in control. Most importantly NBC can jack up their advertising rates for Jay's anxiously awaited prime time show. Synergy baby. Hey man, whatever works. I'll be in bed by then anyway.


Anonymous said...

I agree, I hate missing those hot topics on the View. Too bad Barry forgot he was on national TV and made that off handed comment about special needs folk!

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